Here at St Michael’s we currently offer a Before and After School club which runs Monday to Friday and is available to all children in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 currently.
Our Before School Club is from 8am to 8.30am, to book please do so via MCAS, please speak to the office if you need any support.
Our current After School Club provision is from 3pm-4pm, again bookable via MCAS, however we are pleased to announce we will shortly have an extended wraparound provision running from 3pm-6pm available for all 4-8 year olds. We will share more information about this once we have more details.
On Monday’s Saints Southwest provide a free After School Sports Club running from 3pm-4pm and each term this is open to a different class. To book this please email Mrs Burton on stmichaels@lapsw.org