
July 2024

Teddy Bear’s Picnic

We will be welcoming in our new Reception children for a Teddy Bear’s Picnic for them to bring in their favourite teddy to come and meet the teachers and other children, we look forwards to welcoming them to our school family

Paignton Library

Our Year 1 & Year 2 children will be taking part in an event at the library ‘Mossy Carpet Art Project’, educating children on a brighter, greener future and the importance of being ecologically minded citizens of the future. We will also have a visit from the library, explaining the Gadgeteer’s themed, Summer Reading Challenge to the children as well as many other events that are taking place there over the holidays.

St Michael’s Sports Day

Once again we are thrilled to be able to run our Sports Day at Paignton Rugby Club. Keep an eye on MCAS for further information!

PTA Summer Fete

Our fabulous PTA will be hosting their annual Summer Fete, we will publish more information nearer the time!

Toddler Group

After the success of our first ever toddler group, we are thrilled to announce two more dates in June! Keep an eye on our social media for more details!

Music sessions

Laura from ‘We Need Music’ will be continuing to come into our school to deliver music sessions to our nursery children!

Razzamataz for Year 1 children

This term our Year 1 children have another opportunity to engage with Razzamataz and explore their creative and theatrical sides!

Story Crafters After School Club

Over the summer term we are running a Story Crafters after school club for our Year 1 and Year 2 children provided by the fabulous Story Sense. Keep an eye out on our social media and on MCAS for more details of how to book!

Rugby and Cricket sessions

We are so lucky to link in with Paignton Rugby and Cricket Club for our Year 1 and Year 2 children to access cricket and rugby sessions over the coming summer term. This is such a great opportunity for the children to develop their gross motor skills and maybe a love of other sports they may not otherwise discover!

Beach School

This term our Reception children have an opportunity to take part in Beach School with Seaside Adventurers exploring the beach and learning about the animals and beach safety! They are really excited to take part in these wonderful sessions!

June 2024

Steam Train and River Boat Cruise

Our annual school trip this year is to Dartmouth travelling by steam train and then river cruise. All the children are already super excited for this wonderful opportunity to explore our local community further.

Exciting new toddler group!

St Michael’s are pleased to announce we will be running a new toddler group here at the school-keep an eye out on our social media for the QR code and dates to book! We are thrilled that Story Sense will be running this group for us, such a wonderful opportunity to visit our school and meet new people.

Music sessions

We are thrilled to welcome in Laura from ‘We Need Music’ who will be providing music lessons for our nursery children, we can’t wait to listen to the beautiful sounds they create!

May 2024

Walk to School Week

20th to 25th May is National Walk to School week, we will be actively encouraging you all to take part and experience the benefits of doing this!

Library visit

Our Year 2 children will be visiting Paignton Library again this year to learn all about strong women in history!

Razzamataz for Year 1 children

This term our Year 1 children have another opportunity to engage with Razzamataz and explore their creative and theatrical sides!

Story Crafters After School Club

Over the summer term we are running a Story Crafters after school club for our Year 1 and Year 2 children provided by the fabulous Story Sense. Keep an eye out on our social media and on MCAS for more details of how to book!

Rugby and Cricket sessions

We are so lucky to link in with Paignton Rugby and Cricket Club for our Year 1 and Year 2 children to access cricket and rugby sessions over the coming summer term. This is such a great opportunity for the children to develop their gross motor skills and maybe a love of other sports they may not otherwise discover!

Beach School

This term our Reception children have an opportunity to take part in Beach School with Seaside Adventurers exploring the beach and learning about the animals and beach safety! They are really excited to take part in these wonderful sessions!

April 2024

Razzamataz Torbay

Razzamataz have been working hard with our Reception and Nursery children exploring their creativity and expressing themselves, it has been wonderful to see them all enjoying these sessions.

Class photos

Tempest Photography will be visiting our school to take our class photos, a wonderful memory to share with the children as they grow older!

March 2024

Easter Church Service

On 27th March we have been invited to Paignton Parish Church for an Easter service. We look forward to seeing our families there to celebrate Easter with the children.

Easter Fayre

21st March will be our PTA Easter Fayre! We are looking forward to seeing all the stalls and games they will be setting up for us all! Please check MCAS for more details!

SWISCO Monster bin visit!

SWISCO Resource Futures will be visiting us at school to talk about all things recycling! We look forward to welcoming them in to talk about important topics like this!

Red Nose Day

15th March is Red Nose Day and this year our children will be dressing in a ‘mismatched’ theme and telling us a joke! Lots of laughs are expected!

British Science Week

11th March is British Science Week! Our children will be engaging in specific lessons on the topic of ‘time’, they are all really looking forwards to expanding their knowledge! Our children will learn all about different aspects of time and take part in some exciting experiments.

World Book Day

7th March is World Book Day and our wonderful PTA will be running a tombola and Book Swap for all our children. Here at St Michaels our children share a love of reading and are very excited to be able to bring in books from home to showcase to their friends.

Forest School

Our Nursery and Reception children have been enjoying exploring our new Forest School area. They have had lots of fun creating things from the materials available, lots of lovely happy smiles!

Razzamataz Torbay

Razzamataz have been working hard with our Year 1’s exploring their creativity and expressing themselves, it has been wonderful to see them all enjoying these sessions.

February 2024

Chinese New Year

To celebrate Chinese New Year the amazing staff at Ellacombe will be providing us with a special menu to celebrate that day!

Razzamataz Torbay

Razzamataz will be working with our Year 1’s again this term. The children absolutely love joining in and expressing themselves.

January 2024

Forest School

We will be having our first Forest School this term on our premises. Our Reception and Nursery children are looking forward to exploring our lovely Forest School area

Razzamataz Torbay

Razzamataz are back to work with our Nursery and Reception children this term, they are all so excited to see them again!

The Thrive Project

As members of our community we are keen to reach out to local groups in Paignton and we look forward to welcoming The Thrive Project in to talk to the children

Open Wide Step Inside

We are looking forward to welcoming the Dental Outreach Team to meet with our Year 2 students and talk about the importance of dental hygiene

December 2023

Christmas Jumper Day

Once again we are taking part in Christmas Jumper Day. We look forward to seeing all the sparkle and festive fun.

Christmas Dinner

Ellacombe kitchen are cooking up a feast for all the children for our Christmas meal. We can’t wait to sample the amazing food!


As last year we are once again performing our Christmas Nativity at Paignton Parish Church, with added numbers as our school has grown keep an eye out for the date announcement!

November 2023

Christmas Tree Decoration  Competition

As last year our competition is back for the children to make homemade decorations for our trees! We can’t wait to see all the amazing creations made with love!

School photos

Tempest Photography will be coming into school again to take our school photos, we shall send a message with the dates via MCAS.


We are so fortunate that Razzamataz will be delivering dance and drama for the whole academic year! It is wonderful to see the children smiling and expressing themselves through dance!

Christmas Carol Celebration at Paignton Library

We are thrilled to be invited back to Paignton Library to take part in a carol celebration. Last year the children did so well singing in public and they are enthusiastically practising for this year!

October 2023

Parent Teacher Consultations

All parents/carers for our children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are invited in to meet the class teachers. This is such a wonderful opportunity for them to ask any questions about the curriculum and how they can support learning.


Our Year 2 children have been enjoying their dance and drama sessions with Razzamataz, they have all come out talking about how much fun they had!

Beach School

This month our Year 1 children have another opportunity to take part in Beach School with Seaside Adventurers exploring the beach and learning about the animals and beach safety!

September 2023

Meet the Teacher events

We welcomed our families into our school for our Meet the Teacher events where they could see the new classrooms and find out more about the curriculum. Our teachers really enjoyed sharing this with the parents and carers.


Last year we welcomed Razzamataz into our school and the children loved the drama and dance sessions with them. Our parents even attended a showcase they put on to demonstrate the fun things they learned! This year they are back and we can’t wait to see what they showcase this term!

Beach School

We are super lucky to have the beach on our doorstep and Seaside Adventurers are once again hosting Beach School for the children! All our children loved this experience last year and we are so pleased our new children will also have this opportunity!

Sports for Schools event

Our school are excited to be hosting Will Bjergfelt, a GB Paralympic cyclist who will be coming in and running a sportivator event including fitness circuits, a change to hear his incredible story and journey as an athlete and ask him questions! Keep an eye out for the sponsorship pack coming home with the children!

School Menu Competition

Our school will be taking part in the Trust wide competition to plan a menu for a school lunch! The winning menu will be prepared by our kitchen and there are other prizes to be won too! We look forward to seeing some tasty menu ideas from our children!

June & July 2023

PTA Summer Event!

To celebrate the end of the summer term our wonderful PTA will be organising a fabulous Summer Event for the children and families to join in. Don’t forget to make your scarecrows for the competition!

Music Performance

All our children will be showcasing their musical talents in our very first musical performance here in school! They have all loved Music with Moira and can’t wait to show you all what they have been learning!

Paignton Zoo Trip

A trip to Paignton Zoo has also been organised to celebrate 100 years of conservation work!

Forest School

All our children have an amazing opportunity to engage again in Forest School at Dartington Academy!

Hub School Sports Day

This year we will be having a joint School Sports Day at Dartington Academy with Dartington and Dunsford. This is such an exciting opportunity for all the children to get together and have lots of fun!

Beach School with Seaside Adventurers

We are so lucky to be located near to lots of beautiful beaches here in Paignton! Our Year 1 children will be taking part in Beach School with Seaside Adventurers. This is such a wonderful opportunity for them to explore and learn about the beach and sea.

Dance Class & Drama Workshops with Razzamataz

Our Year 1 and Reception children have been very excited to have Razzamataz come into our school to deliver Dance and Drama workshops. This is such an exciting opportunity for the children to express themselves and have fun whilst also developing their creativity further!

Music Class

All our children will be taking part in Music sessions with opportunities for singing and playing percussion instruments! Moira, from South Devon and Torbay Music Centre will be coming into our school to run these sessions.

St Michaels Sports Day

Last year we held our School Sports Day at the beach, this year, now our school family has grown, we will be holding our Sports Day at Paignton Rugby Club!

April & May 2023

Construction visits

This term we have ISG coming into the school to talk to the children about construction. ISG are the contractors currently working on the Fisher Street site so the children have had lots of questions about building!

Beach School with Seaside Adventurers

We are so lucky to be located near to lots of beautiful beaches here in Paignton! Our Reception children will be taking part in Beach School with Seaside Adventurers. This is such a wonderful opportunity for them to explore and learn about the beach and sea.

Dance Class & Drama Workshops with Razzamataz

Our Year 1 and Reception children have been very excited to have Razzamataz come into our school to deliver Dance and Drama workshops. This is such an exciting opportunity for the children to express themselves and have fun whilst also developing their creativity further!

Music Class

All our children will be taking part in Music sessions with opportunities for singing and playing percussion instruments! Moira, from South Devon and Torbay Music Centre will be coming into our school to run these sessions.

Class Photos

Tempest Photography will be coming into school for our Class Photos on 26th April.

PTA Coronation Event

Once again our amazing PTA will be running another event for the children and families, this time celebrating the King’s Coronation! Keep an eye out for further details!

Forest School

All our children have an amazing opportunity to engage again in Forest School at Dartington Academy!

March 2023

Comic Relief

17th March is Comic Relief Day and this year our staff and children will be sporting crazy hair and faces! We can’t wait to see how great they look!

Paignton Rugby Club

Our Year 1 children are really excited to be going to Paignton Rugby Club for additional sport sessions delivered by Achieve 4 All Ltd. This is a fantastic opportunity for them to develop their gross motor skills and a love of different sports!

Paignton Parish Church

All the children will be taking part in a ‘mock’ Christening at Paignton Parish Church with Father Neil to further their learning.

PTA World Book Day Event

To celebrate World Book Day our fabulous PTA have organised a ‘Book Swap’ for all the children. Each child is invited to bring in a book they no longer read and swap for another story of their choice. Parents are welcomed in to share this experience with the children and partake of some refreshments supplied by the PTA!

February 2023

Police Paramedic guest speaker

We were very lucky to welcome in Luke to our school to talk about his role in the community as a Police Paramedic. The children loved hearing all about how he helps those in our community!

December 2022

Christmas Jumper Day

We are looking forward to seeing our children in their Christmas Jumpers on 8th December. These could be jumpers you have decorated yourself

PTA Christmas Craft Event

Our fabulous PTA have been working hard to prepare for an exciting Christmas Event on 9th December

St Michaels Christmas Church Service

We are so pleased that this year we are able to visit Paignton Parish Church on 12th December and perform some Christmas carols and a Nativity tableau, parents and families are welcome to join us, we look forward to seeing you there!

Christmas Lunch

Our wonderful catering staff will be preparing an amazing meal for us all on 14th December. Don’t forget to book via the MCAS app!

Christmas Party and last day of term

16th December is the last day of term and our Christmas party! We look forward to seeing the children in their party clothes!

November 2022

School photos

We have Tempest Photography coming to St Michael’s on 17th November to take our annual school photos. There is an opportunity for those with siblings to have photos taken together

Carol Singing

We have been invited to attend Paignton Library and take part in their Christmas Market on 19th November. The children will be performing some special carol songs, it is sure to be spectacular!

Children in Need

We are looking forward to seeing all the children in their bright and/or spotty clothes on 18th November!

Christmas Tree decorations

We have asked all our children to make some natural Christmas Tree decorations for our tree and bring them in by 25th November. We can’t wait to see the contributions!

October 2022

Early Bird and After School Club

We are pleased to be offering our Early Bird and After School provisions at St Michaels! The children will have lots of fun with arts and crafts and additional play time!

Parent Consultations

All Year 1 and Reception children are invited to attend Parent Consultations with the class teacher.

Harvest Festival

This year we are supporting Paignton Community Larder by donating items for Harvest Festival. The children have been working hard learning a special Harvest song to sing to our guests on 19th October

September 2022

Kinetic After School Sports Club

This year we are pleased to announce that we have a new After School Sports Club with Kinetic! Our Year 1 children have been so excited to engage with this this term. Kinetic have also been providing our PE lessons on Friday for the Year 1 and Reception children. It has been lovely to see them all engaging in team games and developing their skills further!



Start of term - 8th September 2021
Half Term - 25th - 29th October 2021
End of term: 17th December 2021


Start of term - 4th January 2022
Bank Holiday - 21st - 25th February 2022
End of term - 9th April 2022


Start of term - 25th April 2022
Bank Holiday - 2nd May 2022
Half Term - 30th May - 3rd June 2022
Non Pupil Days - 6th - 10th June 2022
End of term - 25th July 2022