
February 2025

Swimming lessons

On Thursdays the Year 3 children will be starting swimming lessons for a 6 week block, more information will be sent in MCAS to the Year 3 parents.

Safer Internet Day

On Tuesday 11th February it is Safer Internet Day, please keep an eye out for helpful advice and support we will be sending out to all our families to help keep our children safe.

School Nurse Drop in Session

Our local School Nursing team will be running drop in sessions each term for parents to meet with them and discuss any concerns they may have. This term they will be visiting on Thursday 13th February 2pm-3pm

NSPCC Number Day

On Friday 7th February our school will take  part in the NSPCC Number Day! Number Day is a maths inspired fundraising day aimed at children of all ages and such a wonderful opportunity for them to explore maths in a fun environment.

January 2025

LEGO Spike

Our Year 3 children will be taking part in a new initiative at Paignton Library ‘Lego Spike’-sets that involve building with lego linked to coding and STEM activities. They are all super excited to take part in this 3 week workshop.


On Tuesday 14th January 2pm-3pm we will be hosting the annual PTFA AGM which is open to all parents and carers to attend.

Saints Southwest

Our PE provision continues to be through Saints Southwest who will also be offering the free After School Sports Club to all our children. This term our Reception and Year 1 children will be able to access this wonderful provision.


We are so thrilled they are continuing to provide dance and drama sessions again this term!

Toddler Group

Nikita from Story Sense is running more Toddler groups here at St Michaels, these are open to any families, not just those who have children already attending. For more information please contact the office or visit Story Sense website for further details.

December 2024


Once again we will be holding our Nativity at Paignton Parish Church and are looking forward to welcoming in our families. We will confirm the dates via MCAS so keep an eye on your messages

After School Clubs

Story Crafters continue on a Wednesday with the fabulous Nikita from Story Sense. We have also launched our new After School Clubs with a different club running each afternoon, to book please do so via MCAS. Our Year 3 children are also taking part in the free after school sports club run by Saints Southwest. For any information about our wraparound provisions or after school clubs please do contact the office.

November 2024

Inter Faith Week

The 11th to the 15th November is Inter Faith Week! The children will be exploring different religions and each class will be learning about another Faith to share with the rest of the school!

School Nurse Drop in Session

Our local School Nursing team will be running drop in sessions each term for parents to meet with them and discuss any concerns they may have. This term they will be visiting on 26th November at 2pm.

Paignton Library Christmas Fayre

We are so thrilled that once again we will be singing at Paignton Library! This year we will be opening the event, so please check MCAS for more information

Children in Need

Friday 15th November is Children in Need day, further information will be sent via MCAS to our families about the theme this year. Our wonderful PTA will also be involved for such a fantastic charity.

Saints Southwest

Our PE provision continues to be through Saints Southwest who will also be offering the free After School Sports Club to all our children. This term our Year 2 children will be able to access this wonderful provision.


We are so thrilled they are continuing to provide dance and drama sessions again this term!

Toddler Group

Nikita from Story Sense is running more Toddler groups here at St Michaels, these are open to any families, not just those who have children already attending. For more information please contact the office or visit Story Sense website for further details.

October 2024

Plymouth Argyle Community Trust

All our children have been enjoying sessions with Plymouth Argyle Community Trust this term enjoying a mixture of football and multi sports!

After School Clubs

Story Crafters continue on a Wednesday with the fabulous Nikita from Story Sense. We have also launched our new After School Clubs with a different club running each afternoon, to book please do so via MCAS. Our Year 3 children are also taking part in the free after school sports club run by Saints Southwest. For any information about our wraparound provisions or after school clubs please do contact the office.

Toddler Group

Nikita from Story Sense is running more Toddler groups here at St Michaels, these are open to any families, not just those who have children already attending. For more information please contact the office or visit Story Sense website for further details.

Year 2 and Year 3 class trip to Slapton Sands

Our children are super excited for the class trip this term to Slapton Ley to visit the Field Studies Council and take part in a variety of activities linked to their learning in science and geography.

Beach School

The Year 1 children will be taking part in Beach School with Seaside Adventurers learning all about beach and sea safety and amazing facts about other sea creatures found at the beach!

Parent and Carer Consultations

All parents and carers of children in Reception, Years 1,2 and 3 are invited to attend Parent and Carer Consultations. This is a fantastic opportunity to work closely with the teachers and support the children on their school journey!

Reception reading meeting

All parents and carers of children in Reception are invited in for a presentation on Read, Write Inc and how they can support their children. Please check MCAS for further details on dates.

September 2024

Story Crafters After School Club

Over the Autumn term we will be hosting Story Crafters after school club for our older children provided by the fabulous Story Sense. Keep an eye out on our social media and on MCAS for more details of how to book!

School Menu Competition

Our school will be taking part in the Trust wide competition to plan a menu for a school lunch! The winning menu will be prepared by our kitchen and there are other prizes to be won too! We look forward to seeing some tasty menu ideas from our children!

Meet the Teacher events

We welcomed our families into our school for our Meet the Teacher events where they could see the new classrooms and find out more about the curriculum. Our teachers really enjoyed sharing this with the parents and carers.

Saints Southwest

Our PE provision continues to be through Saints Southwest who will also be offering the free After School Sports Club to all our children. This term our Year 3 children will be able to access this wonderful provision.


We will be welcoming Razzmataz back into our school providing an opportunity for the children to explore their theatre and dancing skills.

July 2024

Teddy Bear’s Picnic

We will be welcoming in our new Reception children for a Teddy Bear’s Picnic for them to bring in their favourite teddy to come and meet the teachers and other children, we look forwards to welcoming them to our school family

Paignton Library

Our Year 1 & Year 2 children will be taking part in an event at the library ‘Mossy Carpet Art Project’, educating children on a brighter, greener future and the importance of being ecologically minded citizens of the future. We will also have a visit from the library, explaining the Gadgeteer’s themed, Summer Reading Challenge to the children as well as many other events that are taking place there over the holidays.

St Michael’s Sports Day

Once again we are thrilled to be able to run our Sports Day at Paignton Rugby Club. Keep an eye on MCAS for further information!

PTA Summer Fete

Our fabulous PTA will be hosting their annual Summer Fete, we will publish more information nearer the time!

Toddler Group

After the success of our first ever toddler group, we are thrilled to announce two more dates in June! Keep an eye on our social media for more details!

Music sessions

Laura from ‘We Need Music’ will be continuing to come into our school to deliver music sessions to our nursery children!

Razzamataz for Year 1 children

This term our Year 1 children have another opportunity to engage with Razzamataz and explore their creative and theatrical sides!

Story Crafters After School Club

Over the summer term we are running a Story Crafters after school club for our Year 1 and Year 2 children provided by the fabulous Story Sense. Keep an eye out on our social media and on MCAS for more details of how to book!

Rugby and Cricket sessions

We are so lucky to link in with Paignton Rugby and Cricket Club for our Year 1 and Year 2 children to access cricket and rugby sessions over the coming summer term. This is such a great opportunity for the children to develop their gross motor skills and maybe a love of other sports they may not otherwise discover!

Beach School

This term our Reception children have an opportunity to take part in Beach School with Seaside Adventurers exploring the beach and learning about the animals and beach safety! They are really excited to take part in these wonderful sessions!



Start of term - 8th September 2021
Half Term - 25th - 29th October 2021
End of term: 17th December 2021


Start of term - 4th January 2022
Bank Holiday - 21st - 25th February 2022
End of term - 9th April 2022


Start of term - 25th April 2022
Bank Holiday - 2nd May 2022
Half Term - 30th May - 3rd June 2022
Non Pupil Days - 6th - 10th June 2022
End of term - 25th July 2022